Monday, February 28, 2011

Sold Covidien

It's been an active day for me, in addition to buying NRG LEAPS I also sold my shares of Covidien (COV) at $50.99.  I purchased COV in May of 2009 at $32.39 a share, so the returns on this investment were decent (however, the market's return over this time period was also very strong, so I'm not overly thrilled with how COV turned out). 

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NRG Order Filled

It looks like the rest of my order for NRG 2013 $30 LEAPS went through (for a total of 100 contracts).  All in all this order cost just under $6,100.  I'll try to do a write up later this week or maybe this weekend (if time permits). 

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New Purchase

On Friday I placed a limit order for 100 contracts of NRG Jan 2013 $30 LEAPS at $0.60, but unfortunately it's only been filled on 5 contracts (thus far). 

I'll keep this order open and hopefully I'll be able to get it 100% filled.  However, rather than write a separate post each time I get another couple of contracts, I'll just post when the order closes (either b/c it was filled or canceled).

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Monday, February 14, 2011

Buying some Cisco

I just bought 1000 shares of Cisco (CSCO) at $18.87.  I view Cisco as a high quality company that's somewhat undervalued, so while I don't expect massive returns I still think I'll do pretty well.  Also, IMO holding CSCO is significantly more attractive than holding cash (this transaction took my portfolio from $54K cash down to $35.5K), so it makes sense from an overall portfolio construction perspective. 

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Saturday, February 12, 2011

Sold SD Call Options

On Friday I sold my Sandridge call options, which have appreciated nicely since I purchased them a little over 5 months ago (here's my original post: ).  Specifically, I bought 50 contracts for $1.07 (or a total cash outlay of $5,387) and sold them at $3.65 (for proceeds of $18,211), netting me a profit of just under $13K. 

Interestingly enough, while my gut tells me Sandridge OPTIONS aren't a good risk/reward bet after their recent appreciation, I still think Sandridge STOCK is undervalued and could have a much better risk/reward profile.  Earlier this year I also sold HAWK, so my portfolio is about 40% (or $54K) in cash.  This being the case, I'm considering buying SD common stock, especially if it pulls back.  Other stocks on my watch list include CSCO, NRG LEAPS, JOE, BAC, and ESI... stay tuned.

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Wednesday, February 9, 2011


A few days ago 226 shares of KHDHF were deposited in my account (KHDHF was spun off from TTT), and today I sold them at $10.20 for net proceeds of about $2,300.

As I mentioned in my year end post TTT has been trading ex div since December, so my 2010 ending balance was artificially low (but with the KHDHF shares finally showing up in my account I'm whole again).